Joanne is absolutely amazing! She made our trip beyond magical! Planning a trip & saving the money is beyond stressful, I am so thankful for Joanne, she took away the stress of planning, it was so nice to have one less worry. She was always available & willing to answer all our questions & trust me there was a lot! Not only was she always available but she was also so kind, caring, understanding, & most important patient! She loves what she does, she’s great at it, & her dedication is amazing! She was up super early on some days just to make sure we got the fast passes & dining reservations we wanted! Plus she saved us $200 when discounts came out! She took the guess work out of the trip for us. Everything was planned out perfectly. We will def be booking our next Disney trip with her & referring anyone we come in contact with who is interested in booking! Her services are free so be sure to reach out no pressure you won’t be disappointed I promise! Thank you so much Joanne for all you do, can’t wait to plan our next trip with you!